A Season of Hope in Ezeagu: Araceli Aid Foundation Delivers Festive Cheer!

Have you ever seen the light in someone’s eyes when you share something special with them? That’s the feeling the Araceli Aid Foundation aimed to create this holiday season in the heart of Ezeagu. Just like the way you might share gifts and laughter with your loved ones during the holidays, the Araceli Aid Foundation […]

A Season of Hope: Sharing the Spirit of Giving with Izza Nkubor

The world brims with potential, waiting to be unlocked in the eyes of every individual. Communities hold the power to blossom, and within each of them lies a tapestry woven with stories of resilience, hope, and dreams. Araceli Aid Foundation envisions a world where these tapestries glow with vibrant colors, where laughter echoes through every […]

Araceli Aid Foundation Celebrates Children’s Day with Children in Orthopedic Hospital

Araceli Aid Foundation, a non-profit organization in Enugu State, Nigeria marked the 2023 Children’s Day celebration in the orthopedic hospital, Enugu State. The foundation organized an outreach to the children’s ward on the said day. The organization came with food, snacks, cake, clothing and also made cash donations to some of the indigent patients in […]